Electronic target shooting game
The invention was created in Sibiu at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu and the invention refers to a an electronic target shooting game, which requires the adaptation and complement of the PC or videophone with an interface for the interactive electronic shooting game
The invention refers to an electronic target shooting game, which requires the adaptation and complement of the PC or videophone with an interface for the interactive electronic shooting game, in the circumstances of competitions for points between opponents who are either in the same place or far apart, using the global communication networks.
• for military or police clubs;
• if adapted, for the instruction of various categories of shooters;
• in game rooms;
• in the homes of those who find target shooting entertaining and / or instructive;
• as a challenge meant to trigger the apparition of the olimpic electronic target shooting competition.
• using the hardware offered by the PC or videophone for display, calculations and communication;
• setting aside subjectivity in the assessment, communication and display of the contestants’ results; all these are essential attributes of the systems of which the invention is made up, to which the contestants have no access;
• working at small distances, in halls, but with precisions which are similar to real target shooting, by using optoelectronics and digital computing;
• the easiness to seek and to find competitors for everyone, through global networks;
long span of utilization, because the worn shhoting device can be easily replaced with the spare devices, since this device is exposed to the interation with the shooter the most, through the great number of shootings.